Despite the limitations of the original iPhone and iPhone 3G, the latest version of Whited00r offers video recording, MMS, Control Center, multitasking, Voice Control and jailbreak-level customizations. Just keep scrolling and we'll pretend nothing happened. Do you think that Viber works faster with whited00r than with proper 4. Hi, first thanks for the awesome custom iOS!! I have iphone 3G with iOS 4. Open Blackra1n and click on 'Make it Rain'. SMF - Just Installed! whited00r iphone 3g ipsw

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Need to update my 3GS iphone. The modem Firmware ihone Or should I maybe use redsn0w again and jailbreak my device again but with whited00r ipsw?

whited00r iphone 3g ipsw

Whited00r iPod whkted00r User Device: Just keep scrolling and we'll pretend nothing happened. December 29, Please use the buttons below to select your device.

Did you miss your activation email? I have iphone 3G with iOS 4. Unhappy with iPhone 3G Service? How do I disable Bluetooth access for individual apps on iPhone?

whited00r iphone 3g ipsw

Follow the instruction provided by iReb. Should the look ipse iOS 4. And saw this post. How do I stop Messages from asking if I want to share my name and photo? How-To Find iOS 3. Main menu iphonefaq news faq guides tips search about contact. I have an iPhone 3GS. To proceed use iReb.

My iPhone 3G not sport for ios7 pls help? I need download ios 7. Help me to update to ios 7 my iphone 3G.

Whited00r Gets iOS 7 Update for iPhone 3G / 2G

I go to iTunes and it says that the firmware is not compatible. Actually no that it started its kinda buggy, guess i did smth wrong settings keep crashing a restart fixed.

And it is upgraded to 4. I have iphone 3g factory unlocked, and it is jailbroken with redsn0w. And that is weird because hwited00r is factory unlocked and I can use any sim card. Please login or whited00r. Don't forget to unzip the compressed folder. Thank you for your attention.

Whited00r 7 iPhone 3GS firmware file not compatible?

Do you think that Viber works faster with whited00r than with proper 4. There are some extra, but optional, steps you would like to follow in order to get the best performances and an high customization.

Whited00r supports a variety of iOS 7-style features including Push Notifications, an improved Camera app, multitasking both iOS 7 thumbnail and wited00r multitasking barControl Center, and its own version of Voice Control. Please login or register. For those iPhone fans who are still rocking these Apple-unsupported devices, Whited00r provides a custom firmware option to modernize their look and feel.


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